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  • Wesley Humphries

Helping Hand

Some people want to create there own brand, make there own clothing and selling online is an easy way do it. But sometimes it just does not work out. People do not realize how hard it is to get peoples attention and promote your brand. So here is some advice I can give you to help you out if you want to attempt to make your own brand and sell it online.

First, I would make social media accounts. I would make an Instagram account first. On Instagram you can post videos of your clothes. Or you can post a photo of people wearing your clothes. But of course you need followers to blow up your page. The more followers you have on any sort of social media the more likely you have a better chance at selling your clothes.

YouTube is an enormous way to sell your clothes. If you can make content and make merchandise I would recommend that. For example, these youtubers named NELK Boys, they do not make money from YouTube because of the content they post. They have merch drops once every two months and all there stuff sells within seconds. You want to know how they became so successful? Always in the beginning of there videos and at the end they promote there merch and convince people to buy there stuff. They started from the very bottom and now they are famous because of YouTube and selling merchandise that is very rare and is not available every day. I think there merch sells so quickly because they do not have it available every month. Getting subscribers is hard but down the road if you can make money from views on YouTube and Merchandise that will huge and you will make a lot of money.

Another social media that you can sell your brand is on Facebook. I believe Facebook is the easiest social media to sell anything on. Facebook has its own designed place to sell stuff on. Or you can promote your brand on Facebook. You have 2 different ways to promote your clothes if you want to make money. You just need to get your name out there in the world. I believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. So you might have to buy advertisements to get your name out in the world. Overall selling clothes is not easy but with promoting your stuff on social media it is possible.

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