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  • Wesley Humphries

Advice to gain followers

On social media everyone wants to be that popular person. We want to have that beautiful blue checkmark by your profile picture. We want so many followers that we get over 100 likes or 1000 likes. But what does it take to get there. What do we have to do to get followers? What do we have to do to get that blue check mark? Well let me help you to gain followers

First, the way to gain followers to make friends. I know it sounds simple but if you have a friend that has a decent amount of followers and you will pop up on the quick add on there screen. The more people you add the more likely your name will popup on other peoples quick add screens. The more friends you make in real life the more friends you can have on social media.

Another way is make a creative bio and profile picture. No one will follow someone that does not have a photo. How will they know its actually you and not some bot. To me the photo is very important. Like in the photo it is not the best photo but her bio makes up for it. A bio should contain information that you like. Something that stands out, something creative that stands out to other people that gives them a reason to follow you.

Next, post on that social media website every so often. The best time to post on Instagram is 3 to 4pm. Post creative photo's, post something that will make someone either look at it and say "wow that's a really cool photo" or something others laugh. But do not post too much, if you post too much followers might get annoyed and unfollow you. I post like once month and if you do not post at the right time you will not get the likes you desire.

This is a photo is an example I would post on Instagram. Perfect timing, the orange shirt pops out and catches followers eyes. Plus when I go on vacation, I always post a picture after the trip. Its always a thing I put my favorite videos and photos together to make a good post.

Finally, to finish off a post you need a good caption. A caption is a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, cartoon, or poster. I personally attempt to make a funny caption when I post on social media. Our goal in social media is to gain followers and likes. To get attention. Making a great caption is one of the best ways possible. Do not just post a photo with no caption on it. Make it creative and stand out. Overall, social media is very fun to use. Have fun while making your profile and go gain those followers!

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